Hello and Welcome

I’ve done a lot of work on personal development for a long time, but in the last year or so it has become much more of a focus. So, I’ve decided to start this blog to share what I’ve learned, and, I hope, to give you some ideas to help you make improvements in your own lives.

I’ve called this blog “Worthwhile living” because when I think of personal development, I don’t think of it as just doing more, or acting in any certain way, but instead I want to be able to enjoy what I’m doing and to look back and be pleased with what I’ve done. What it boils down to for me is that I want each moment of my life to be worthwhile.

I’m going to write about things like :

  • Productivity — how to make sure you’re doing the right things
  • Mindfulness — being fully present, here and now
  • Nutrition — eating right to increase and maintain health
  • Exercise — taking care of your body so that it will serve you better, now and in the future
  • Learning — how to learn, an often overlooked skill
  • Tools — I’ll recommend some books that have helped me, and some other things I think worthwhile

I hope you enjoy the blog, and I look forward to your comments.

3 comments on “Hello and Welcome”:

  1. I’m looking forward to reading this! Goddess knows I could use some organization.

    I like your chosen theme: simple, bold, and easy on the eyes. My browser can see the RSS feed, but you might consider putting the link on the page, too, for those with less-enlightened tools. =:)

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